Everyone knows how difficult life as a university student can be when you are jobless. You are unable to go out, take someone one a nice date, it may be difficult to travel overseas and experience different things etc. But there are a lot of nice things which you can do, but for now, this is for those looking for a job and want that extra bit of cash without selling off your kidney.
To be completely honest, finding a job is a job in it self. You need to be able to do a lot of research regardless if it was a grad position or that casual you are applying for online.
Step one - Setup:
Fix up your resume! Don't send the same resume to every company which you applied. Instead try to tailor your resume. This would help to stand out from others who are applying for the same position as you are. If you don't have a resume or are uncertain how to tailor your resume, you should visit Macquarie's career services and they will give you a template to follow and even help you tailor your resume as you like.
If you like someone to review your resume, Macquarie also offers this service: www.careerhub.mq.edu.au/Form.chpx?id=146297
Just submit your resume and you will be sent a file with feedback along side it.
You can also get one-on-one help by booking an appointment:
Make sure you prepare anything that requires to be reviewed, so you don't waste too much time :)
Step two - Preparation:
If you don't have LinkedIn try and get an account and keep it upto date. This is a great way to sell yourself, as recruiters most likely end up stalking you before they hire you.
Do your research! Make sure that you use all the information that is available out there soyou can get to know the
industry you wish to get into, the different organisations and job market. This information can help you stand out during your interview.
Step three - Where to look:
Here are a few sites which could help you search different opportunities:
Graduate programs:
General Job Websites:
You can also try to attend the next Careers Fair which is on the10th March 2015 (12-3pm at the Atrium)
Step four - Try different things:
Remember that the best opportunities don't always fall onto your lap. You need to try different things. Networking events are a good opportunity to build on your current contacts, because most of the time, it doesn't matter what you know, but who you know. Ensure that you use your current networks and build your existing ones... you never know, that friend of yours, which you met three years ago, might be able to help you later on in life :)
Good luck job hunting,
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