
Monday, 13 October 2014

Review on Uni Sport - Sports and Activities Hub

Hey Sportsmen and Sportswomen,

So I'm pretty immersed in the Sports Department with MQ Uni Campus Life (the company I am employed with) and also immerse myself in sport activities of my own so I feel pretty qualified to give you the run-down on it all. Here goes...

Firstly, I highly recommend popping down the the Sports and Activities Hub between 12pm and 3pm any day Monday-Friday.. No I don't get anything out of this. This is a service offered to students aimed at giving you guys a fun and active study break over the lunch period. I set up things like giant chess, giant jenga (very popular), table tennis (you've gotta be quick to get a table) and foosball. ..There are even occasionally arcade games set up in the atrium.

I also available for students like you to answer any sports-related questions and to hand out more sports equipment on request – If you want to borrow a ball to go outside and run around and play a game in the sunshine – we have basketballs with hoops set up around campus, soccer balls with goals I can put out, rugby balls, etc. This is entirely for the good of the students. All activities are free of course. We are here to help! There are also pop-up events every now and then so keep posted for these.. The last one we held was a bubble-soccer event which is where people wear inflatable rings around their waists and run around like wild geese bumping into each other while trying to score a goal. Lots of fun! Another one was a basketball shooting competition. Event participation is well-motivated with prizes like MQ Uni hoodies and bags, etc.

See next post for more..

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